Process Payroll with UKG Pro Workforce Management Pay Data

Payroll processing is a multi-step process that a company uses to pay its employees. Payments include employees' salaries, bonuses, deductions, wage attachments, and taxes.

When processing a payroll, you are in control every step of the way. Whether you need to update an employee's earnings, create an additional check, or import a time clock file, you have the flexibility to process your payrolls accurately.

There are several processes and steps available to process your payroll from start to finish.

Process Payroll by Pay Group

Payroll by Pay Group

From the Process Pay section of the Payroll Gateway, use the view By Pay Group to process a single payroll at a time. When you only have a few payrolls to process, or you need to make many edits to the payroll, process the payroll by pay group.

To process a single payroll, select the pay group link from the Process Pay section. The Payroll Overview page appears.

Selecting a pay group from process pay page

The Payroll Overview page displays important payroll information and the processes needed to run the payroll successfully. Depending on the payroll model, your payroll has a specified list of steps for processing employee payments.

As each step is processed successfully, a green check mark appears on the left side of the step. If there was a problem, a warning indicator appears next to the step, and you cannot move forward until the problem is resolved.

Viewing the processing of steps on payroll overview page

Employee Maintenance

Employee Maintenance

Before you open your payroll, there are several administrative tasks to perform and audit reports to review to ensure a smooth payroll process.

Complete Employee Maintenance

Before starting the payroll process, ensure that all employee maintenance is up-to-date, including:

Update employee records and ensure that all permanent changes are completed before creating batches.

Submit all updates requiring workflow approval. If workflows with effective dates within the pay period are not approved before creating batches, the workflow request is not reflected in the payroll.

Complete Pre-Payroll Audits

Before beginning your payroll process, complete a payroll audit and verify your payroll and employee information.

The Payroll Gateway page provides an overview of your pay groups, pay calendar, and payroll reports. The gateway also provides direct access to complete payroll functions from the Actions buttons and the More actions links at the top of the screen.

Note Depending on your privileges, the More actions links may appear below the Process Pay grid.

Process Pay section of the Payroll Gateway page

From the Process Pay section, validate your pay group information, including:

Note The ability to process payroll without generating reports is configured on the Payroll Settings page (Menu > Payroll Admin > Payroll Settings).

Process Payroll section of the Payroll Overview page, with a callout box around Bring in Time

Generate People Analytics reports to audit your human resource and payroll information. There are several audit reports available in People Analytics (Open Menu > Content > Team Content ‎> UltiPro BI Content ‎> UltiPro BI for Core HR and Payroll > _UltiPro Delivered Reports ‎> _Workplace Custom Reports).

You may have customized reports that were created for your company. Edit this area to include company-specific reports to generate in People Analytics (Open Menu > Content > Team Content > zzzCompany Folders > (your company name) > UltiPro).

View the Pay Details for Payroll

Check your pay data before you run payroll to ensure the data appears as expected. From this page, you can also check for any discrepancies or errors found in recently close payrolls.

Navigation: Administration > Payroll Processing > Payroll Gateway

  1. From the Actions pane, select More Actions .
  2. Under Time and Pay Details , Select View Pay Details for Payroll .

Shows an example of the Pay Details for Payroll data

Open Payroll

Open Payroll

Payroll settings are configured from the Start payroll step. To open your payroll, select the Start payroll step.

An employee's payroll must be open to void a payment. Only employees with an open payroll are available to select to void a payment.

Navigation: Menu > Administration > Payroll Processing > Payroll Gateway > select a pay group

  1. From the Payroll Overview page, select Start . The Start payroll page appears.
  2. Select the payroll options that apply:

How to start payroll and choose options on start payroll page

Create Batches

Create Batches

Create batches copies a snapshot of your employees’ pay records and creates a temporary table for processing payroll.

All employee maintenance should be completed before this step. Once you create the payroll batch table, any changes made to an employee’s payroll data must be manually updated on the employee’s pay checks.

Navigation: Menu > Administration > Payroll Processing > Payroll Gateway > select a pay group

From the Payroll Overview page, select Create Batches.

Bring in Pay Data

Bring In and Submit Pay Data

Processing data from UKG Pro WFM does not require a file import or template selection. Instead, the pay data is submitted directly from UKG Pro WFM and processed in UKG Pro Pay .

Data from UKG Pro WFM is accrued based on day worked.

Note If a pay rate is not provided for a primary job, the effective dated pay rate is determined based on the charge date and the employee's job history record.

The Submit Pay Data step is available when pay groups are assigned a model that includes the Bring In Pay Data process. The Submit Pay Data step validates the data, creates the batches, if appropriate, and begins processing the data.

The Bring In Pay Data step is available to upload any files, as needed. Depending on your business processes, you may have files with pay data that need processing in addition to the data received from UKG Pro WFM . Use the Bring In Pay Data step to select the appropriate template and upload those files.

The Submit Pay Data step automatically generates a Time Import Validation report for the data in the pay group. Review the reports from the Completed tab of the Standard Reports page (Menu > Administration > Reporting > Standard Reports > Completed). If the report is blank, there are no exceptions.

Bring in Pay Data from a File Upload

If you are using another third-party system in addition to UKG Pro WFM , you can upload those files for processing.

Navigation: Menu > Administration > Payroll Processing > Payroll Gateway > select a pay group

  1. From the Payroll Overview page, select Bring in Pay Data . The Bring in Pay Data page appears.
  2. Select the applicable template. The Template drop-down list shows the available templates based on the selected pay group.
  3. Select Choose File to navigate to the import file. Confirm the filename and template in the Selected Files section.
  4. Select Run .

Note All files are imported to temporary Time Clock Import files. The files are processed and validated against employee data.

Submit Pay Data from UKG Pro WFM for a Regular Payroll

The Submit Pay Data step validates the data, creates the batches, if appropriate, and begins processing the data.

Navigation: Menu > Administration > Payroll Processing > Payroll Gateway > select a pay group

    From the Payroll Overview page, select Submit Pay Data and Calculate Payroll .

Shows the Payroll Overview page with the Submit Pay Data process highlighted

Note The Summary of Pay Details page lists the source of the data, number of items, the sum of hours, the sum of amounts, and the pay item type (earnings or deductions).

Note These checkboxes are available based on the data in the system. For example, if you have data only from UKG Pro WFM , the File Import option is not available.

Shows an example of the Summary of Pay Details page

Note The Bring in Pay Data step also processes with the Submit Pay Data step. The Submit Pay Data process validates the data and creates the batches for valid pay data.

Tip When earnings or deductions pay data are received from UKG Pro WFM , the system will create new pay data entries. Existing or recurring earnings or deductions will not be replaced or removed.

Shows an example of the Pay Data Status page with exceptions

Note Exceptions appear for file uploads as well as data received from UKG Pro WFM . When the Validation Status is Submitted, the pay data was successfully submitted to the batches.

View New Pay Data Records

When new pay data records are available for a pay period with a payroll in process, the system shows the pending time records.

Navigation: Menu > Administration > Payroll Processing > Payroll Gateway > select pay group

    After you run the Submit Pay Data process, and then refresh the page, if new time records are available after you submit pay data, the New Pay Data Available card appears.

Important To view the Analytics section including the New pay data available card, Smart Pay Analytics must be enabled. Refer to the Configure Smart Pay Analytics and Compare Data job aid on the UKG Community Library for instructions.

Shows the New Pay Data Available Notification

Shows an example of the New Pay Data Available page

Shows the new pay data message highlighted

Manually Delete or Modify Pay Data

You can view the payroll results to delete an item or an entire pay manually, as needed.

Navigation: Menu > Administration > Payroll Processing > Payroll Gateway > select a pay group

  1. From the Payroll Overview page, from the Things I Can Do pane, select View or edit payroll results/instant check .
  2. From the View/Change Payroll Results page, select the employee name link for the appropriate employee.
  3. Make any modifications to the pay check, as needed.
  4. To delete a row, check the box next to the earnings or deduction and select Delete .
  5. To delete an entire pay, select Delete at the top of the page.

Important After you delete a pay or an item submitted from UKG Pro WFM , the system returns that pay data when you undo a payroll process and resubmit the same pay data or recreate pays.

Submit Pay Data for a Terminated Employee

Process the pay data from UKG Pro WFM for a terminated employee.

Navigation: Menu > Administration > Payroll Processing > Payroll Gateway > select a pay group

Note Employees must have a Terminated status and the Date Paid Through must be 35 days or less prior to the current pay period.

  1. From the Payroll Overview page, select Submit Pay Data . The Summary of Pay Details page appears.
  2. Select Run .
  3. From the Things I Can Do pane, select View or edit payroll results/instant check .
  4. View the employees with a Terminated status that have pays. The earnings and deduction data are added to the pay.

Shows the View/Change Payroll Results page with the Terminated Employee Status highlighted

Note An acknowledgement notification is shown at the top of the pay to notify you that this is a pay created from data received from UKG Pro WFM for a terminated employee who has a paid through data prior to the current period start date.

Shows an example of the Acknowledge button highlighted

Note You can view a list of all employees with errors in the payroll (such as a missing acknowledgement on a pay) from the Unresolved Payroll Items page (Menu > Administration > Payroll Processing > Payroll Gateway > select the Unresolved Payroll Items action button).

Import Pay Data Validation Tools

Multiple resources and reports are available to help you validate pay data and correct exceptions to ensure accuracy.

To verify that employee payroll data is imported correctly, without exceptions (errors), and to balance and/or view data before posting to the employees' pay, review import validation and balancing reports.

The following items are available to help you verify data in the import file:

Tool NameDescription
Pay Data History PageAccessed from The Payroll Overview page > Things I Can Do, this page provides details of imported pay data files and data from UKG Pro WFM . This page indicates if the data has been imported successfully or if it includes exceptions.
View Pay Data PageAccessed from the Payroll Overview page > Things I Can Do, this page populates after you process a file from the Bring in Pay Data step and then shows the data from UKG Pro WFM after you complete the Submit step. The data from UKG Pro WFM remains until the payroll is closed. This information supplements the Time Clock Balancing report details, so both can be used to validate your imported time.
Time Import Exceptions ReportAccessed from the Exceptions link on the Payroll Overview page (Menu > Administration > Payroll Processing > Payroll Gateway > select pay group), includes errors that occurred during the time clock import. If the link does not appear, there are no import exceptions.
Time Clock Balancing ReportAccessed from the Standards Reports page (Menu > Administration > Reporting > Standard Reports > Completed), includes a summary of all employee data that was imported via the time clock import.
Pay Details for Payroll PageAccessed from the Payroll Gateway (Menu > Administration > Payroll Processing > Payroll Gateway > select More actions > select view Pay Details for Payroll), provides the ability to sort, view, and export pay data received for your employees from UKG Pro WFM before you process payroll.
Note Report names are appended with the pay group code and period control number.

Validate Imported Pay Data

Verify the pay data Import file by checking the imported information with employee changes made since the Bring in Pay Data step was completed.

The Verify Pay Data step automatically generates two standard reports, Time Clock Import Validation and Time Clock Balancing.

Navigation: Menu > Administration > Payroll Processing > Payroll Gateway > select pay group

  1. From the Payroll Overview page, select Verify Pay Data . Review the two standard reports generated for each verified pay data file.
  2. Select Cancel Pay Data & Lose Changes , as needed, to delete all imported earnings, deduction, and tax information. After completing this step, you can initiate the Bring In Pay Data step again.
  3. Select Submit Pay Data and Calculate Payroll to submit valid imported information to the payroll batches. After this step is completed, the imported data is deleted from the temporary tables.

Calculate Payroll

Calculate Payroll

Before finalizing your employees' payments, audit your employee information and enter any outstanding adjustments. The payroll is unable to finish with any exceptions or discrepancies to employees' pay checks.

Submit Pay Data and Calculate Payroll

Submit pay data to the payroll batch tables and calculate payroll.

The gross-to-net amounts are calculated for all checks in the payroll batch tables. The Submit Pay Data and Calculate Payroll step automatically generates the following standard reports:

Report Description
Pre-Check Exceptions Provides an audit of the current payroll with potential issues to employee payments. Review for any inconsistencies before printing checks. If the report is blank, there are no import exceptions.
Payroll Edit Detail Listing Provides information that can be used to verify that the payroll data was correctly entered or imported for the current pay period.
Pre-Check Detail Listing Provides a detailed list of each employee pay information. Use this report to find data errors after finalizing payroll, but before posting information to the history tables. The report provides employee information not included in the payroll edit listings but does not provide employer information. Review the Pre-Check Summary Liability Listing report to view employer information.

Review these reports from the completed tab of the Standard Reports page (Menu > Administration > Reporting > Standard Reports > Completed).

Navigation: Menu > Administration > Payroll Processing > Payroll Gateway > select a pay group

  1. From the Payroll Overview page, select Submit Pay Data and Calculate Payroll . The payroll calculates each pay's gross-to-net amounts.
  2. From the Available page, review the generated reports.
  3. As you make updates to employee payroll data, you can select Calculate payroll as many times as necessary.

Manually Modify Pays

Manual Adjustments

Use the View or edit payroll results/instant check page to perform additional payroll actions:

Instant checks are on-demand checks and can be created with or without running payroll.

Modify individual employee pays from the Pay Detail page.

If the web access rights are enabled, add eligible earnings and deductions directly to the employee's record and pay from the Pay Detail page. The Earnings or Deduction tab enables you to update employees' pay information without navigating away from the payroll. Updates made from the Earnings or Deduction tab of the Pay Detail page permanently update the employee's record.

Manually Modify Pays

You can view the payroll results to modify pay items manually, delete an item, or delete an entire pay, as needed.

Navigation: Menu > Administration > Payroll Processing > Payroll Gateway > select a pay group

  1. From the Payroll Overview page, from the Things I Can Do pane, select View or edit payroll results/instant check .
  2. From the View/Change Payroll Results page, select the employee name link for the appropriate employee.
  3. Make any modifications to the pay, as needed.

Note You can add earnings and deductions, or you can modify the existing earnings and deductions pay data.

Search for Employee Pays Across Pay Groups

You can leverage the Search Employee Pays Action card on the Payroll Gateway to help facilitate convenient access to your employee pay data across pay groups. From here, you can perform manual adjustments to pays.

Navigation: Menu > Administration > Payroll Processing > Payroll Gateway > select the Search Employee Pay action card

  1. Enter an employee name in the search box or enter filter parameters, as needed.
  2. Select the checkbox for all applicable employee names.
  3. Select Create Pay and then select Additional pay , Instant check , or Regular pay , as needed.
  4. Select the Employee name link to manually modify the pays in the View/Change Employee Pay Check page.

Shows an example of the View, edit or create employee checks across pay groups page with the Search and actions highlighted

Note You can search for and view only the employees for whom you have the appropriate security access. In addition, you can add pays only for payrolls that are in progress.

Create an Instant Check from the Payroll Overview Page

Create an instant check from the Payroll Overview page.

Navigation: Menu > Administration > Payroll Processing > Payroll Gateway > Select pay group

  1. From the Payroll Overview page, select the View or Edit Payroll Results/Instant Check link.
  2. From the View/Change Payroll Results page, filter the information, if applicable, and select Search .
  3. Select the box next to the employees who will receive an instant check.
  4. Select Create Instant Check from the Actions menu, and select OK .
  5. Select the employee's name to enter the instant check details.
  6. At the Pay Date field, verify the pay date.
  7. At the Tax Frequency field, verify the tax frequency.
  8. In the Distribution field, if the selected bank is configured to allow direct deposit, you can select the method of distribution:

Enter Earnings and Deductions on an Instant Check Created in the Payroll Overview Page

Complete the following steps to enter earnings and deductions data and to calculate the instant check.

Navigation: Menu > Administration > Payroll Processing > Payroll Gateway

  1. From the Earnings section, select Add .
  2. In the Earnings drop-down list, select the earnings.
  3. In the Rows menu, select the appropriate number of rows for the selected earnings, as needed.
  4. Select Add .

Note Select more earnings from the drop-down list, as needed.

Note Select Add in the Deductions section if deductions need to be entered on the Instant Check. Unlike earnings, you cannot add multiple rows for the same deduction.

Recreate a Pay for Regular Payroll

To remove any manual changes you have made and revert to the original data on the pay, you can recreate the pay.

Navigation: Menu > Administration > Payroll Processing > Payroll Gateway > select a pay group

  1. From the Payroll Overview page, from the Things I Can Do pane, select View or edit payroll results/instant check .
  2. Select the employee's name link to open the pay.

Note The pay includes any imported pay data files and any pay data received from UKG Pro WFM .

Manually Delete a Pay or Pay Data

You can view the payroll results to manually delete an item or an entire pay, as needed.

Navigation: Menu > Administration > Payroll Processing > Payroll Gateway > select pay group

  1. From the Payroll Overview page, from the Things I Can Do pane, select View or edit payroll results/instant check .
  2. From the View/Change Payroll Results page, select the employee name link for the appropriate employee.

Note You can also delete pays from the Search Employee pays action card on the Payroll Gateway.

Important After you delete a pay or pay data submitted from UKG Pro WFM , the system will resubmit the pay data when you undo the Bring in Pay Data, Create Batches, and Start Payroll processes, or recreate a pay.

Run Pre-Check Audit Reports

Generate reports to audit your payroll information before closing your payroll.

How to verify no payroll calculation errors exist from unresolved payroll item page

Pre-Check DDA ListingProvides a listing of employees receiving direct deposits for this payroll, categorized by bank account.
Pre-Check Detail ListingProvides a complete gross-to-net breakdown, detailing all earnings, taxes, and deductions, by employee. Verify several employees, especially those employees who have changes effective on this payroll.
Pre-Check ExceptionsProvides an audit of the current payroll with potential issues to employee payments. Review for any inconsistencies before printing checks. If the report is blank, there are no import exceptions.
Pre-Check Deductions by Deduction CodeProvides the current employee, employer, goal, and balance amounts for all deduction codes. Using the report filters, modify the report to include more or less deduction codes to review.
Pre-Check Earnings ListingProvides a listing of all earnings paid, by code, to each employee for the current payroll. Verify the hours entered for each earnings code.
Pre-Check Summary Liability ListingProvides information for UKG Pro Tax Filing and Wage Attachment Disbursement services. This report provides a total projected funding for net pays, tax, and wage attachment disbursement. Use this report to identify the total funding amount for which the company is responsible. Additionally, this report provides current payroll totals for the grouping selected. The report also provides subtotals based on the Sorting selection.
Pre-Check Summary ListingProvides a grand total of all your earnings, deductions, and taxes (including employee and employer amounts). It also provides a total for live checks and direct deposits.
Employees Not Paid Edit Listing - Current PeriodProvides a list of active employees who have not been paid for the current pay period.

Note From People Analytics, you can run the Accruals Data From Other Sources Delivered Report, which reports on accruals data from UKG Pro WFM and UKG Ready. Refer to the Accruals Data from Other Sources Delivered Report in People Analytics job aid in the UKG Community Library for instructions.

Coordinate any necessary adjustments with payroll personnel:

The appropriate site personnel can return signed copy of total page indicating approval.

Finish Payroll

Finish Payroll

During the Finish Payroll process, several steps are completed automatically as your payroll is printed, distributed, and posted to history.

Create the Direct Deposit File

Create a direct deposit file for each pay group.

If direct deposit or NACHA file payroll automation is configured, then the direct deposit files are automatically created, combined (when configured), and sent to your financial institution. The Direct Deposit Print file is available from the File Transfers page (Menu > Administration > Reporting > File Transfers). Use the Direct Deposit print file to view or print copies of the Direct Deposit Advices.

Confirm receipt and totals with your bank.

Once the checks have been printed, the payroll cannot be modified.

Navigation: Menu > Administration > Payroll Processing > Payroll Gateway > select a pay group

  1. From the Payroll Overview page, select Print . All calculated transactions are printed, and direct deposits (DDAs) are generated. If a third party prints the DDAs, the check export files are generated.
  2. From the File Transfers page, review your Direct Deposit print file.
  3. Validate that your bank file totals balance to your Pre-Check Summary Liability Listing (specific to bank required process).
  4. Verify the deposit amounts using the Direct Deposit Register standard report.

Print Pay Documents

Print employee pay checks for each pay group.

The Pay Documents are available from the File Transfers page (Menu > Administration > Reporting > File Transfers). The Check Positive Pay file is available when printing live checks.

Confirm receipt and totals with your bank.

Once the checks have been printed, the payroll cannot be modified.

Navigation: Menu > Administration > Payroll Processing > Payroll Gateway > select a pay group

    From the Payroll Overview page, select a step that includes the Print process.

Note If you have Pay Statement Messaging enabled, a pop-up message displays where you can select the Add a message to pay statements option, enter your message, and then select Continue .

When you select Print , all calculated transactions are printed, and checks are generated. If a third party prints the checks, the check export files are generated.

Post the Payroll

The Finish step posts the pay data from the temporary batch tables to the employee pay history.

Navigation: Menu > Administration > Payroll Processing > Payroll Gateway > select a pay group

  1. From the Payroll Overview page, select Finish payroll. The payroll information from the temporary batch tables is posted to the employee pay history.
  2. Review the reports generated when the payroll is posted.

Close the Payroll

Close your payroll to finish the payroll process. Once the Finish step is completed, the payroll is closed and the next scheduled payroll is now available to start.

Navigation: Menu > Administration > Payroll Processing > Payroll Gateway > select a pay group

  1. From the Payroll Overview page, select Finish payroll . When completed, the pay period is closed and all accumulators are updated. All scheduled export files are generated, including ACH Direct Deposit, Wage Attachments, Tax Liability, and Checks.
  2. From the Monitoring page, verify the status of the automated files if you do not see copies of the file.
  3. Notify your payroll team that wage files have been sent.
  4. Request the Wage Analysis report.
  5. Send finance funding documents within your organization.
  6. Communicate to your bank and provide the Direct Deposit Files, Positive Pay Files, and negative positive pay file for any voided checks.

Create and Print Reports

Create and Print Reports

After your payroll is completed, generate the audit reports, balance the payroll totals, and process your General Ledger.

Confirmation and Balancing

Balance your completed payroll and create funding documents. Run additional posted payroll audit reports, as needed.

Several reports are generated when payroll is closed. These reports are also available for Canada payrolls (the letters "CAN" appear at the end of the report names to designate Canada reports).

Review these payroll audit reports:

Detail Payroll RegisterProvides a listing of all transactions for the pay period. Print this report each pay period and maintain it as the hard copy audit for pay statements issued to each employee. This report does not provide employer payroll amounts.
Summary Payroll RegisterProvides a grand total of the payroll's gross-to-net breakdown, detailing all earnings, deductions, and taxes for employee and employer amounts.

This report should be used to reconcile the payroll with the Cash Analysis.

In addition to these reports, the following Canada post payroll reports are available:

Create General Ledger and Labor Allocation Export

After your payroll is completed, create the General Ledger (GL) Report and Export Files.

After processing your General Ledger, the GL Summary Distribution and GL Summary Suspense reports appear in the Completed tab of the Standard Reports page. The GL Export file appears on the File Transfers page.

Navigation: Menu > Administration > Reporting > General Ledger

  1. From the General Ledger page, select the applicable country.
  2. From the General Ledger section, select the option for General Ledger and Labor Allocation or Labor Allocation.
  3. From the Include section, select the applicable combination of earnings, deductions, taxes, or paid time off.
  4. From the Company section, select all applicable companies from the Available box and move them to the Selected box.
  5. From the Export Template section, select the GL template from the drop-down list for the export to be processed.
  6. From the Ledger Period section, select an individual pay group from the drop-down list or select All to process all applicable pay groups.
  7. When an individual pay group is selected, the Pay Date - Period End - Type option appears. Select the applicable Pay Date - Period End - Type value from the drop-down list for the From and To fields.

Note When the All value, indicating all pay groups, is selected in the Ledger Period section, enter the From and To dates for the calendar period or use the Calendar icon to select the dates.

Creating the general ledger and labor allocation report

Complete Payroll History Balancing Worksheets

Balance your payroll totals using the balancing worksheets available from the UKG Community Library .

Using the Payment Services Balancing Worksheet

Tax Filing & Wage Attachment Reporting

Balance tax filing and wage attachment reporting to validate your payroll information with Tax Filing Services.

For detailed information on Tax Filing Reports, refer to the Tax Filing Services Reports job aid in the UKG Community Library .

For detailed information on Wage Attachment Reports, refer to the Wage Attachment Services Reports job aid in the UKG Community Library .

Export Files

Export all payroll-related files to your Third Party Vendors.

Undo a Payroll Process

Undo a Payroll Process

In certain scenarios, it is more efficient to undo a process than it is to edit individual checks. When a payroll process is undone, the process is available to run again.

Note If your payroll includes pay data from UKG Pro WFM , when you Undo the Bring in Pay Data step, the data from UKG Pro WFM remains available and you are not required to resubmit the pay data.

If the Cancel Pay Data & Lose Changes step is not available, the previous payroll step must be undone to remove the pay data. Any payroll process initiated after checks have been printed cannot be undone. No other changes can be made to the payroll until the Undo process completes.

Undo does not remove any of the pay group's payroll reports from the Completed Standard Reports or File Transfers pages. If payroll reports are generated upon completion of the Undo process, ensure that you are viewing the most recent versions and the correct data.

An audit report is available from the View Pay Data History page (Payroll Processing > Payroll Gateway > Things I Can Do section > View Pay Data History). This page reports the processes that were completed successfully for the pay group's selected pay period. The report shows the user who completed the process and the date of completion. Information from the Payroll Process History report can be exported in .XLS or .CSV format by selecting the format from the Actions drop-down list.

Navigation: Menu > Administration > Payroll Processing > Payroll Gateway > select a pay group

  1. From the Payroll Overview page, in the Things I Can Do pane, select Undo a Payroll Process . An indicator, Undo , appears next to the payroll process that can be undone.
  2. Select the Undo option. Once the Undo process is initiated, the status updates dynamically. If an attempt is made to undo a payroll process that cannot be undone, a warning message appears.

How to undo a payroll process on the Payroll Overview page

Note The Validation status for pay data received from UKG Pro WFM is either Submitted when successful or Exception when an issue needs to be resolved. The Validation Status for files is either Valid when successful or Exception when an issue needs resolution.

Process Payroll by Status

Payroll by Status

To process payroll for multiple pay groups at the same time, use the By Status page to process several payroll processes at once.

When processing a payroll By Status, the Process Pay page provides a central area for viewing, selecting, and processing payrolls simultaneously for multiple pay groups. Each listed pay group displays the next available steps to process depending on the payroll model.

Viewing multiple pay groups and their status on the Process Pay page

From the Process Pay page,you can:

The Undo Payroll Process function is only available from the Payroll Overview page and cannot be completed when processing By Status.

Based on security access given to pay groups for roles assigned to administrators, the Process by Status may or may not display all pay groups available.

Process Payroll with UKG Pro WFM pay data by Status

The By Status page displays all pay groups you have access to. This page displays helpful information such as the process group, payroll model, model process, and payroll status for each pay group.

Navigation: Menu > Administration > Payroll Processing > Payroll Gateway > By status

As you process multiple payrolls, you can modify and run a single process for a payroll by selecting the pay group link. The Payroll Overview page appears, enabling you to modify the payroll or run single processes, as needed.

  1. From the Process Pay page, select the check box next to the desired pay groups. If you navigate from page to page, the selected check boxes remain checked.
  2. Select Run . This Process Group and Model Process columns indicate which payroll process is running. The Payroll Status column dynamically updates every 15 seconds and indicates when a process is pending queue, queued, or processing. Select Refresh to see the updated pay groups.

Note Do not navigate from the Process Pay page until the processes in pending queue are complete. When Pending Queue appears as 0, you are able to navigate away from the page while the rest of the queued processes continue to process.

Shows the Process Status pane with the Pending Queue highlighted

Note If additional pay data is received from UKG Pro WFM during a payroll process, a message is displayed during the Print step. You can choose to continue finishing your payroll, or you can return to the Bring in Pay Data step to bring in the updated pay data.

Shows the Exception for new pay data highlighted

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